Charites we support RANA. Rescue Animals of North Africa


Following a holiday to Tunisia, I was shocked to see the level of cruelty to animals! The stray cats were dying in front of me, which was very distressing. I only saw a few dogs in the same conditions, which I thought was not as bad as the poor cats! Only then to find out that the Tunisia government has a shoot to kill any stray dog on the streets. The locals just walked past these animals as if they were not there. I tried to feed as many cats as possible but felt powerless. I would go in the morning and again in the afternoon. It was a small gesture, but it was the only thing I could do. Upon returning to the UK, I knew I had to do something, no matter how small. I contacted RANA and pledged that 10% of our net profit on every shoe sold would support this well-deserved charity. Our pledge to RANA is to help stop this cruelty and give these poor animals a better life. Please know that every product sold support will be given to this worthwhile charity. Through our customers, we will help support these poor animals and provide the donation the RANA needs. 

Below is the charity information and a Link to the RANA webpage, where more information can be found on the great work they do as a non-profit organisation.


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The only UK registered animal charity saving animals in Libya & Tunisia. We rescue, sterilise, provide urgent medical treatment & rehome animals so they no longer face abuse & cruel mistreatment on the streets of North Africa.

By working closely with local rescue charities and volunteers in Libya and Tunisia we identify rescue cases which are unlikely to be rehomed locally due to disabilities or severe injuries, or simply because they are not considered a ‘pure breed’.
All funds raised go directly towards exporting these animals to loving families in Europe where they will live safely for the rest of their lives. We also ensure animals receive medication, are sterilised and pay for daily boarding fees to ensure animals are removed from the streets where they can be kept safe until a new home is found.
If you are interested in helping us fundraise, or would like to give a loving home to one of our animals, please do contact us on
You can send donations via Paypal to or contact us for our bank details or other means of donating locally.